The Coulsdon Amateur Transmitting Society (CATS) is a radio Society that aims to cater for licensed Radio Amateurs, Short-Wave listeners and those interested in electronics.
We encourage listeners to gain transmitting licences and to participate in various activates with which the Society is involved. These cover a wide field; some technical and others purely social.
A monthly society newsletter, CATS Whispers, is distributed to members free of charge. The newsletters give information on forthcoming events, constructional tips, contest details, members views etc. We welcome and encourage contributions from all members.
The Society meets on the second Monday in each month at St. Swithun’s Church Hall, Grovelands Road, Purley at 8pm. At these meetings, provision is made to assist newcomers to Amateur Radio as much as we possibly can. Also, we invite guest speakers to come and talk on various aspects of Amateur Radio and allied subjects. From time to time we hold sales of surplus equipment.
CATS is affiliated to the national society for Radio Amateurs in the UK, the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB). This supports our national representative body and enables us to enter the various HF and VHF contests and Field Days that it runs.
If you would like to join CATS, please fill in the application form below. A paper version is also available.
The current subscription rate is £12.00 per year is payable by applicants over 18 and under 65 years of age and half the normal rate by applicants outside this age range or full time students).